
My quest to achieve a more sustainable lifestyle has begun. I dream to have a more self sufficient life-style that is also less harmful to the environment. But what’s sustainability? Do I have to quit to my computer, my TV, the AC and move to the country side? Do I have to stop eating meat and change my deodorant for baking soda? Do I have to become a hippie? I say no.

Sustainability tries to balance three things: finances, environment and humanity. Having a more sustainable lifestyle means having a smarter lifestyle with no extremes. This blog will have posts about the environment and sustainable homes, mental and personal health and how to balance all this with personal finances. Here we walk the walk before talking the talk.

For me, recently married and more or less completely broke, the quest doesn’t seem to be short. My husband and I don’t own our own house, and we can’t even dream to do so any time soon, so the project won’t include any fancy environmental solutions (like the ones shown in the lazy environmentalist), or any big construction projects, at least not any time soon. For me having a 100% sustainable home is a long term dream.

This is a place to share my experience. This is a place where all those who are in the same quest can share ideas and knowledge open for all. We are all part of the solution and if you care for any child in this world, a son or a daughter, a grandson or a granddaughter, a nephew or a niece, then you should care for this.


May all those who read this blog have a more sustainable lifestyle!! 

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